Sunday 25 February 2018

Ram gopal varma talks about a journey called SRIDEVI

A wonderful tribute to Sridevi from Ram Gopal Varma


I have a habit of constantly dreaming and waking up every once in a while in the night to check out my cell phone and I suddenly saw a message that Sridevi is no more ..I thought that either it’s a nightmare or a hoax and I went back to sleep ..An hour later I woke up to check and there were around 50 messages informing me of the same

Back in the times when I was in engineering college in Vijayawada, I happened to see her first telugu film “padaharella vayasu”.. I was awestruck with her Beauty and I walked out of the theatre in a daze thinking that she cannot be a real person and she has to be some fantasy form who somehow has taken a human shape. Then I saw her various other films,all of which constantly created a higher bench mark of both her talent and her beauty ..To me she looked like some being who has come from some other world in the outer space as a favour to bless us for a little while for all the good we might have done in this world .
She was like a creation of God which he does whenever he is in a very special mood as a very very special gift to mankind.

My journey to Sridevi started when I was preparing for my debut film ‘Shiva’. I used to walk from Nagarjuna’s office in Chennai to a neighbouring street where Sridevi used to live and I used to just stand and watch Sridevi’s house from outside her gate.
I just couldn’t believe that the goddess of beauty lives in that stupid looking house. I say stupid because I believed that no man made house deserved to house that beauty called SRIDEVI.
I used to so desperately hope to catch a glimpse of her as she went in or out of her house. But sadly no such thing ever happened.

And then after ‘Shiva’ released and became a big hit,a producer came to me and asked if I was interested in doing a film with Sridevi. I said “Are you mad or what? I will die to just see her, let alone make a film with her!”

He arranged a meeting with her and took me to meet her at that very same house where I used to stand outside the gate and stare. At night we went and as luck would have it there was a power cut in her house. so I was sitting in her living room in candle light along with the producer waiting for the angel to appear and my heart was thumping like mad.
Her mother told us she was busy packing as she was about to catch a flight to go to Mumbai.

As we were waiting, every once in a while Sridevi was rapidly crossing the living room as she was moving from one room to another room in a rush to finish her packing even as she apologetically smiled at me for the delay. Everytime she was appearing and disappearing in a flash and the director in me started slow motioning her and running her backward and forward for my visual pleasure.

Finally she came and sat in the living room, just said a mandatory few lines that she would very much like to work with me and then she left for Mumbai. I continued talking to her mother with enormous respect and awe because she actually gave birth to Sridevi.

I went back to my place feeling like I was in the seventh heaven. The way Sridevi sat in front of me in the candle light got imprinted in my mind like an exquisite painting and with her image completely filling both my mind and my heart I started writing Kshana Kshanam.

I wrote Kshana Kshanam with the one and only purpose so as to impress Sridevi. Kshana Kshanam was intended by me as a love letter to her.

Throughout the making of Kshana Kshanam,I just couldn’t take my eyes off her charm, her beauty,her personality and her demeanour was a new discovery for me.
She had an invisible wall around her and she does not let anyone cross that. Behind that wall she maintains her dignity and her self-respect and she never lets anyone inside.
Also during the course of working with her and observing her technique of acting I began to understand more and more as a director about the nuances of performances and characterizations because for me she formed the epitome of cinematic acting

Her popularity and stardom had to be seen to be believed. We were shooting for the climax in Nandyal for Kshana Kshanam and the whole town of Nandyal came to a standstill when they came to know that Sridevi was in town. Banks, Govt offices, Schools, Colleges everything in town closed as everyone wanted to see Sridevi.

She stayed in a traveller’s bungalow in Nandyal and at a little distance i was staying in another bungalow. There used to be a crowd of atleast 20,000 people around her bungalow throughout the night just staring at it. There were about 50 tough guys along with a 100 strong police force who used to continuously guard her.

When we were at location we used to know that Sridevi started from her bungalow to come to location because we used to see a column of dust travelling towards us from the distance. The dust was due to the thousands of people running behind her car. I have never seen more of a super star and now she just got extinguished

Sridevi is the most beautiful and the most sensuous woman,God ever created and I think he creates such exquisite pieces of art like her only once in a thousand years.

Though she is no longer there, we her directors fortunately have her captured as a goddess of beauty in our cameras and our cinematic angel has now just become a divine angel

I thank God for creating Sridevi and I thank Louis Lumiere for creating the movie camera for giving us an opportunity to contain her forever.

I still can’t believe that she is no more and I am lying in bed writing about my memories of her

I so hope I am still having a bad dream,but I know I am not

I hate Sridevi.

I hate her for making me realise that she too is finally only just a human being.

I hate that her heart too has to beat to live.

I hate that,she too has a heart which can just stop like anybody else’s.

I hate that I lived to see the messages informing me of her death

I hate God for killing her

And I hate Sridevi for dying .

I love you Sri wherever you are… and I will always love you.

                                                                                               ——-   Ram Gopal Varma

Thursday 15 February 2018

Aiyaari review 3*

Movie: Aiyaary
Cast: Manoj Bajpayee, Sidharth Malhotra, Kumud Mishra, Anupam Kher and Naseeruddin Shah
Director: Neeraj Pandey
Time: 160 mins
Stars: 3 out of 5

Director Neeraj Pandey’s latest thriller, Aiyaary, set against the backdrop of the Indian armed forces, is about a young officer who goes rogue after stumbling upon the Indian military’s murky goings-on.
But you get the distinct impression that it’s the director who’s scared of going rogue and demonising the establishment or the men in uniform.
Precious minutes are lost in explaining character quirks, eccentricities and idiosyncrasies of a clutch of military officers and a couple of well-dressed arms dealers. The dialogues between the idealistic and the corrupt are painfully stilted.
Direction is good by neeraj panday. He keeps the viewers engaged but makes it boring and easy written story in the end.

When it came to performances, it was seasoned actor Manoj Bajpayee who was in total command.
He plays the senior military officer Col. Abhay Singh and is a joy to watch as he sinks his teeth into the role of a staunchly scrupulous army officer. He has got the mannerisms and the body language of a disciplined soul figured out to the last letter. He’s the devilish head of a covert cell that thwarts baddies in his distinct cavalier style.
Representing the millennials is his dishy protege, Jai Bakshi, played by Sidharth Malhotra. But his character isn’t as fleshed out and what you get is an unconvincing army deserter. His reasoning for going berserk and outing his own mates lacks teeth. The climax, which explains his source of disillusionment, is hastily wrapped up. Till then, the over-stretched thriller is intent on over-explaining but the portions that needed that kind of adoration and attention were hurriedly done. The climax felt forced; it lets the whole film down. The portions where Bakshi romances the young woman Rakul Preet Singh, a nifty hacker, is unconvincing and lame. Singh looks fetching, but doesn’t win us over as a sly hacker.
Aiyaary also boasts some of the finest talents in Hindi cinema right now. There’s Kumud Mishra, Adil Hussain, Naseeruddin Shah and Anupam Kher in this ensemble espionage drama, but they are grossly under-utilised.
Hussain and Mishra, as the cold and soulless businessmen who are out to get the rogue spy, aren’t as sharp as their suits. Their seedy style of conducting business felt forced and unnatural.
Shah, who plays the token common man in Pandey’s socially-conscious Aiyaary, suffers from a serious A Wednesday! hangover. When he utters the veiled threat — ‘don’t ever provoke a common man’ to highlight his have and have-nots divide during the climax — the regurgitated sentiments from A Wednesday! come screeching back.
But your misgivings erode when you watch Bajpayee in action. His wry humour at world problems, delivered in his nonplussed manner, are comic gold.
Aiyaary is a toothless thriller about a clutch of morally-complex, dapper men-in-uniform who turn against each other, but the reasons for doing so doesn’t get enough play.
But its a film to watch once. I give it 3*

Saturday 10 February 2018

Raj singh as narad muni

Raj singh is an actor who tries to experiment a lot. After giving hits shows like pavitra rishta, baba aiso var dhundo, Muktibandhan  where he played a lead and parallel lead he tried experimenting with negative characters like cherry in tashne ishq.
But later he started expermenting with mytho shows and played a great memorable character as chandra deo in karamphal data shani
Now hes playing narad muni in paramavtar shri krishna.

narad muni

The track in coming episode is that narad muni who is famous for revealing secrets reveals a secret to kans which helps kans to get special magical powers which will help kans to make it difficult for krishna in future.

Friday 9 February 2018

मर्दों के लिए भाग्यवान औरतें

दोस्तों प्राचीन काल से ही महिलाओं के शरीर से जुड़े अनेक रहस्यो के बारे में चर्चा होती रही है और उसको उतना ही महत्व दिया गया है।
कुछ महिलाओं के घर में आने से सुख और समृद्धि बढ़ती है आइए जानते हैं महिलाओं के ऐसे कौन से अंग हैं जिनके बड़े होने से घर में सुख शांति प्रदान का आगमन होती है। पहले से लंबे बाल कहा जाता है कि लंबे बालों वाली महिलाओं भाग्यशाली होती है आप देवी देवताओं के अनेक चित्र में देख सकते हैं हमेशा देवियों के बाल लंबी दिखाई देते हैं।

जिन पुरुषों के पत्नी के बाल लंबे होते हैं वह बहुत भाग्यशाली होते हैं और उनके घर पर हमेशा धन का आगमन होता रहता है ।

दूसरी बात करें सरल और लंबी नाक इन महिलाओं का नाम सरल और लंबा होता है वह बहुत शांत स्वभाव की होती है।
और वह हर काम पूरी जिम्मेदारी से निभाती है पैसे खर्च करने के मामले में वह ज्यादा सतर्क रहती है। बिना काम की चीजों पर ज्यादा पैसा नहीं खर्च करती है हमेशा ही पैसे बचाने में विचार करती है और भविष्य का विचार का धन का संचय करती है।

तीसरी बात है चौडा माथा कहां जाता है जो महिला चौड़ा माथा लेकर जन्म लेती है। अपने साथ ऐश्वर्या का भाग्य लेकर जन्म लेती है ऐसी महिलाएं हर काम विचार करके ही करते हैं साथ ही यह महिला दयालू स्वभाव की भी होती है। जिन महिलाओं का माथा चौड़ा होता है वह जीवन में आने वाली कठिनाइयों का सामना बड़ी आसानी से कर लेती है वह चिंता ग्रस्त होकर वक्त नहीं गवाती है।

चौथी बात है लंबी अंगुलियां जिन महिलाओं की लंबी अंगुलियां होती है वह बुद्धिमान मानी जाती है वह हर काम पूरी सटीक तरीके से करना चाहती है ऐसी औरतों कौन देखना बहुत पसंद होती है उनके हाथों में आया हुआ धन कभी बर्बाद नहीं होता है। और उल्टा वह बढ़ता जाता है ऐसी औरतों के हाथों से धन अफवाह नहीं होता है बल्कि उनका संजय होता है।

और पाँचवी बात बड़ी आंखों वाली महिलाएं जिन महिलाओं की आंखें बड़ी होती है वह सुंदर तो होती है उसके साथ-साथ स्वभाव भी दयालु होता है वह अपने पति पर बहुत प्रियंक आती है और विश्वास करती है। वह कभी अपने पति को धोखा नहीं देती है उनको घर की भाग्यलक्ष्मी कहा जाता है यहां किसी भी घर में शादी करके जाती है उसके घर मैं धन की वर्षा होती है।

Friday 2 February 2018

Modi budget gives a lollypop this year.. WAKE UP CALL

So the whole nations claims that mr. Modi and his team gives lollipop to patron in name of budget. This government has only given false hopes and dreams in 4 years say an indian.
But none of other party is efficient to rule the nation.
Actually india has only faced non efficient leaders and rulers through out. Their has been only selfness who ever has taken reins of this country
Time to wake up.
Things that got costly this budget 2018.Creative Commons

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced the Union Budget 2018-19 on Thursday.
The provisions of the Budget resulted in a hike in the prices of several products, while some others may actually become cheaper because of it.

Here is the list of items that got costlier
  • Cars and motorcycles
  • Truck and bus radial tyres
  • Mobile phones
  • Smart watches, wristwatches, pocket watches, clocks
  • Video game consoles
  • LCD and LED TV panels
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit juice
  • Edible and vegetable oils such as olive oil, groundnut oil
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Diamonds
  • Coloured gemstones
  • Imitation jewellery
Fashion and toiletries
  • Silk fabrics
  • Footwear
  • Sunglasses
  • Perfumes and toilet waters
  • Sunscreen, suntan, manicure, pedicure preparations
  • Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations
  • Deodorants, bath preparations, depilatories
  • Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses
  • Lamps
  • Cigarette and lighters
  • Kites
  • Toys like tricycles, scooters, pedal cars, wheeled toys, dolls, carriages and puzzles
  • Articles and equipment for sports or outdoor games, swimming pools and paddling pools
  • Preparations for oral dental hygiene, denture fixative, pastes and powders, dental floss
However, here are the commodities that will become cheaper

Petrol to get dearer.Creative Commons

  • Petrol
  • Diesel
  • Solar tempered glass
  • Raw materials, parts or accessories used in making cochlear implants
  • Select capital goods
  • Electronic and mechanical goods, such as ball screws and linear motion guides
  • Raw cashew nuts